We are Stonesthrow Sauna

Hi, we’re Andrew and Amy. We live on the Isle of Arran with our little girl, Wren. This is our first ever business venture - a family business - and how we earn our living.

We’ve been planning Stonesthrow Sauna for a long time and are really excited to share it with you. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Sauna is good for you!

There is loads of evidence that a sauna - and a post-sauna cold dip - is great for both your physical and mental health.

The Global Sauna Survey conducted in 2019 found that people who used a sauna between 5 and 15 times a month reported greater general mental well-being than those who used less frequently, or not at all. The same survey showed that 83% of people had better sleep after a sauna.

A separate study showed that middle-aged men who used the sauna 4-7 times a week reduced their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 65% (compared to going just once a week). And a 2005 paper showed that sauna use once a day for a month reduced symptoms of depression and increased appetite and reduced anxiety. Additionally, the post-sauna cold-dip also has benefits. It’s been shown that a cold-dip of around 18 minutes, can improve your mood immediately after getting out of the water.

Need more convincing that a sauna is a great idea?! Come along and join us for a session and see for yourself!